Lifestyle ‧ What's Your Simple Pleasure?

How is everything? 

Recently I believe long-term plans are easily changed or even given up. We are facing lots of uncertainties. Like trips and events are cancelled, we cannot go to theaters anymore (though luckily in Taiwan cities are not under lockdown, we still avoid going crowded place outside), and in a worse situation there is no friend or family reunions. Instead we spend more time at home, stay with ourselves.

During these days, I find that the basic things in our life brighten up our daily lives. When we cannot go to restaurants, we cook. When we cannot go to the theater, we watch movies and dramas at home. When we cannot meet our friends, we spend more time with family. These things seem to be basic, but they are hard to experience if we do not slow down. As a result, do you find your simple pleasure? I find, and these are mine:

♡ Making a glass of ice latte in the morning.
♡ Preparing a dinner after a tiring workday.
♡ Browsing books on online bookstores.
♡ Unboxing anything I bought.
♡ Shopping at a supermarket with my check list.
♡ Brunching!
♡ Planning for weekends.

I believe there are much more pleasures waiting for me to discover and list them down (at this moment I find listing thing makes me feel like I own so many beautiful things:)) 

Besides, writing this post reminds me of a book: The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World. (click!) Inspired by the book, I would like to find out pleaures in each season, and it seems to me that sharing them will be so much fun!

So back to the title, what's your simple pleasure? I believe they can be found at every single moment. 

Let's go through these days, and things are going to be better!

Hope you enjoyed the post:)